Should Drivers Pay to Park on Emeryville Streets? Community Meeting on New City Parking Plan – 11 a.m. this Saturday

Reprinted from the Emeryville Property Owners Association website
Originally posted on December 20, 2012

The Emeryville Property Owners Association (EPOA) is holding a community meeting on the City’s Parking Implementation Plan 11 am, Saturday, January 12 at the Ralph Hawley School, 1275 61st Street, Emeryville.

From 10-11 am, the EPOA will show a video of the City Council accepting the specific details of the Wilbur Smith Parking Plan on September 7, 2010. Approved, but NOT Implemented.

At 11:15 am, Council Member Jennifer West will explain to the community why Emeryville should eliminate free street parking. Following her presentation, there will be an open community dialogue about the impact of the parking plan. Then, the EPOA will make a five minute closing statement to end the meeting at 12:30 pm.

At the Transportation Committee meeting on December 11,  held at the Fire Station, about 30 people attended. Although about 28 particpants seemed to disagree with the Parking Plan, the Committee decided to move the first steps of the Parking Implementation Plan to the City Council for its consideration at its next meeting on Tuesday, January 15 at 7:15 pm. Please attend the community meeting on January 12th to express your concerns. We will have feedback cards to obtain public opinion.

Emeryville has no existing parking meters (except at the Bay Street Mall, which is privately controlled). All the existing parking controls, and enforcement, were implemented at the specific request of residents or business owners. The proposed implementation of new timed parking zones, including the details of the parking plan have NOT been reviewed or requested by the community. Instead, these parking controls are being imposed, without asking the community, as a first step to eliminate free public parking in Emeryville. This is a major change in public policy with economic consequences, which have not been properly considered. The lack of proper notification to affected parties raises questions about the need for a city-wide parking implementation plan. It is a form of raising taxes without public approval.

(See Council Member Jennifer West’s arguments in favor of paid street parking in Emeryville on her blog.)

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