Emeryville City Council Race: Here’s Who’s Running

It’s official. Here are the candidates running for three City Council seats in November. Election Day is Nov. 8. Don’t forget to vote! More information on each candidate will be coming soon in The Secret News.





(From left: Jacqueline Asher, incumbents Nora Davis, Ken Bukowski, and Ruth Atkin, and Michael Webber).

(Click on the photos, or the names below, to go to more information about each candidate. In the case of the incumbents, the information provided reflects each of the candidates’ “political philosophy” touted in their last election campaign(s), in 2007. Did their actions over the past four years reflect those philosophies?)

New candidates

Jacqueline Asher

Mike Webber


Ken Bukowski

Nora Davis

Ruth Atkin

(To comment on this story, or to see the comments of others, click on the headline to go to the story page, and then scroll to the bottom.)


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4 Responses to Emeryville City Council Race: Here’s Who’s Running

  1. Brian Donahue says:

    The three incumbents running all have their previous re-election literature posted here. If you read them you’ll note they all three mention their pro-bicycling stances. They all promise to help biking as a viable transportation option. Since their respective re-elections in 2007 however, they have all worked against biking and in favor of cars at every opportunity. They should not be given a free pass with this canard of theirs as they no doubt try to make the same claims about bicycling this election.

  2. shirley enomoto says:

    if you click on additional supporters for ken bukowski, you will see my name at the bottom. i am not supporting ken in the 2011 election. scroll to the top and you will see that he is providing names from his 2007 election. when i questioned him about this, he played dumb.

    • KEN BUKOWSKI says:

      I didn’t know what you were talking about. Now I understand you were referring to the past election in 2007.

      I never said you supported me in this election. The information provided was from the previous election. One cannot go back and change what was done in the past. Otherwise, I would remove your name.

      I may also add I have been a strong supporter of bike issues. I don’t always agree with Brian on what constitutes thay support. I ride a bike everywhere I go on a daily basis.

  3. The SN printed the 2007 candidates’ statements to see if their actions over the past four years reflect the philosophies they espoused in 2007. Those statements contain links to their endorsers at that time. The SN will print the new, 2011 candidates’ statement very soon, with a further explanation of the previous post.

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