Children Matter: Much Needed Improvements Coming to Emeryville Child Development Center

Photo by Anissa Thompson

For nearly two years, an advisory committee has been working with the city to develop and strengthen the program of the Emeryville Child Development Center (ECDC). A consultancy group skilled in early education was recently hired to assess the Center’s work, and the results (available on ECDC website) showed need for improvement in many areas.  The Center’s director immediately began efforts to upgrade the staff development program, to restructure administrative positions, and to hire new teachers.  Two teachers have retired recently, and a first round of interviews for their replacements has been completed.  The hiring of three new teachers and a supervisor awaits City Council approval.  The Center’s director, new to the job herself, is managing sweeping changes.  Fortunately, she’s getting strong support from the advisory committee, city staff, and the City Council.  All this reflects a growing awareness of the value of the program to our community.

ECDC is housed in a beautiful building.  The families of the children who attend are strongly connected to the program and its teachers.  ECDC has the potential for becoming an excellent, relationship-based program that will help bring children, families, staff, and community together.  Emeryville is one of the few cities in our area to try to offer this kind of service.  As a member of the advisory board, I hope that our local business community and others will recognize the importance of ECDC and of supporting children and families in the city.  State cuts are diminishing the Center’s ability to enroll children whose families need financial support, and one of the advisory board’s goals is to develop a scholarship program to fill this need.  Can we make this a reality?

ECDC is a program filled with possibilities, and I’m excited about its future.  We are at a pivotal point in the Center’s history, and we need the support of the whole community to help it reach its full potential.  And if the Center succeeds, the city will be a better, more vibrant place to live.  Remember, total number of birth-to-five children living in Emeryville at the last census:

  • 115 children less than a year old
  • 109 children at age 1
  • 85 children at age 2
  • 62 children at age 3
  • 53 children at age 4
  • Commuter families working in Emeryville who have young children?  Unknown.

ECDC is now seeking qualified Teacher Aide-Subs to assist teachers in a variety of classroom activities working with Infants and Toddlers at the Emeryville Child Development Center.  To apply on-line or find more information on this positions, go to the ECDC website.

Get involved in the future of Emeryville and support ECDC.  The advisory committee meets at 5:30 pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month, at 1220 53rd Street, Emeryville.  Telephone: 1.510.596.4343

Ruth Major is a member of the ECDC Advisory Committee.

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