Doyle Street Cohousing celebrated its 20-year anniversary at an afternoon party Sunday, June 17, attended by cohousing residents (including Emeryville Mayor Jennifer West and Board of Education Member Josh Simon), neighbors, and friends. Click here and here to learn more about this wonderful community.
- Cohousing resident and RULE member Judy Timmel
- Co-housing resident Fran Ternus (second from left) and friends
- Watergate residents, RULE members and Secret News contributors Ruth Major and Bill Reuter
- Cohousing resident and musician, singer, songwriter Adrian West (husband of Emeryville Mayor Jennifer West)
- Emeryville Residents Scott Donahue and Lillian Schroth
- AC Transit Board member and former Emeryville mayor Greg Harper
- Cohousing resident and Emeryville Mayor Jennifer West, and Fran Ternus (holding plaque)
- Former Doyle Street cohousing residents, and founders, Katie McCamant and Chuck Durrett, authors of the best-selling book Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves.